June 26, 2013



From the best hunters of the Animus. Intuitive, primitive, effective. Amazing in the melee. A true master. He likes to get on the second line against strong opponents to catch them without abilities. Very opportunistic. He defnds like a dancer, moving without stopping to attract rivals into his trap. Very competitive. Not bear to lose. Second account of one italian player.

De los mejores cazadores del Animus. Intuitivo, primitivo, eficaz. Temible en el cuerpo a cuerpo. Un verdadero maestro. Le gusta llegar en segunda linea contra los adversarios fuertes para pillarlos sin habilidades. Muy oportunista. defendiendo es un bailarín, moviéndose sin parar para atraer rivales a su trampa. Muy competitivo. No soporta perder. Segunda cuenta de un jugador italiano.

Favorite Hunting Area: not available
Favorite Weapons: Shield, Knives, Smoke bomb
Favorite Avatar: not available


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