May 22, 2013



Opportunistic and clever. Versed in all types of simulations. Fast in his attacks, if he go for you, will hunt you instantly. Very good hunter. In defense is stealthy, always looking to surprise in the back. Great stunner. An expert Guardian. Thief astute and with a variety of resources.

Oportunista e inteligente. Versado en todo tipo de simulaciones. Rápido en sus ataques, si te ve te dará caza al instante. Muy buen cazador. En defensa es sigiloso, siempre buscando sorprender por la espalda. Gran aturdidor. Un experto Guardian. Ladron astuto y con gran variedad de recursos.

Favorite Hunting Area: not available
Favorite Weapons: Smoke bomb, Knives, Gun, Shield
Favorite Avatar: not available


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