April 21, 2013



Lives in the roofs. Stalks his preys until can fall on them. Good in the shooting, the gun is always ready to run to his target. Reacts slow and his defense is bad, but is an expert hunter. Not afraid to escape to find the exact time and emerge victorious in the fight.

Vive en los tejados. Acecha a su presa hasta que puede caerles encima. Bueno en los disparos, siempre tiene el arma a punto para ejecutar a su blanco. Reacciona lento y su defensa es mala, pero es un experto cazador. No teme en huir hasta encontrar el momento exacto en que asesinar y salir victorioso.

Favorite Hunting Area: Assassinate
Favorite Weapons: Gun, Smoke bomb, Firecrackers
Favorite Avatar: not available


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