April 09, 2013



Smart, bold and very opportunistic. It is very difficult to catch him. Rarely exposed, usually attacks when he has a plan. Hunting is meticulous and nothing ventured, when will for you is because he knows he will get it. Prudent and wise, knows when to come to light, and when to wait to the last moment. Avoid melee. Expert strategist.

Inteligente, audaz y muy oportunista. Es muy dificil cazarle. Rar vez se expone si no tiene un plan. Cazando es meticuloso y no arriesga, caundo va a por ti es porque sabe que va a conseguirlo. Prudente y sabio, sabe cuando salir a la luz y cuando es mejor esperar al ultimo momento. Evita el cuerpo a cuerpo. Experto estratega.

Favourite Hunting Area: Assassinate
Favourite Weapons: Smoke bomb, Knife
Favourite Avatar: not available


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