December 02, 2012



The wandering. Although still has not found his game, walks with the security of an expert. He is quick in his movements and has good ideas to dupe his rivals. Opportunist, accurate, risks a lot, but usually knows when to act. He is not a runner, but knows when to make a lightning attack. The worst: his defense.

El errante. Aunque aun no ha encontrado su juego, ya camina con la seguridad de todo un iniciado. No se apresura en sus movimientos y tiene buenas ideas para embaucar a sus rivales. Oportunista, preciso, arriesga mucho, pero normalmente sabe cuando actuar. No es de los que corren, aunque sabe cuando hacer un ataque relámpago. Lo peor: su defensa.

Favourite Hunting Area: Assassinate
Favourite Weapons: not available
Favourite Avatar: not available


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